Carpet Deodorizer
Don’t you just love freshly cleaned carpets?!? Having all of the carpets professionally cleaned makes the whole house look and feel better!
With 3 cats, 2 dogs, 1 rabbit, kids and a husband, the carpets definitely take a beating. Our little Miniature Pinscher was not potty trained when we got her last year and she still has accidents occasionally. The geriatric cat forgets to use, or misses, the litter box. Needless to say, our house and carpets are sometimes less fresh than I would like.
The condition of the living room carpet has especially been bothering me. Finally, I got up the energy to tackle this multi-step project. First, I took apart the vacuum and unclogged the hose and cleaned the underside. The canister parts also received a bath.
Miss T and I picked up and regime all of the toys and random stuff scattered across the living room floor. With the vacuum clean, the next step was adding some diy carpet deodorizer. There’s a ton of recipes on Pintrest but I settled on a version that works best for me.
Carpet Deodorizer ‘Recipe’
- 8 oz mason jar
- Mason jar lid with holes (I just use a piece of cardboard or string paper because poking holes in a tin lid can be difficult and dangerous)
- Baking soda
- Borax
- 20 drops Young Living Purification essential oil
- 10 drops Lemon essential oil
Fill the jar half with baking soda and top off with borax. I don’t usually measure. Add essential oils. Shake. Then sprinkle over the carpets and let sit 15-30 minutes. Vacuum!
For a little added freshness, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the foam filter pad too.
Enjoy your fresh and clean carpet!
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